Good Governance

Good Governance

Joseph Muscat’s Government has highlighted the serious flaws and deficiencies in our country’s constitutional and legal framework which have led to abuse, corruption and lack of transparency. Forza Nazzjonali is putting forward proposals aimed at tackling these institutional deficiencies.


Restore Malta's reputation

Strengthen Malta's ties with non-EU countries

New national commission to study party financing

All ambassadors to be screened by Foreign Affairs Committee

Vote from abroad

Constitutional Convention introducing new safeguards

Public register of members appointed on public authorities

Special Magistrate to investigate corruption

Closer ties with Maltese living abroad

Close Malta's EU presidency with dignity

Commissioner for Standards in Public Life

Parliamentary hearing for heads nominated for authorities

Transparency in the public service

Appoint a new Police Commissioner

Introduce a weekly session of Prime Minister's Question Time

Preclude party officials from being appointed to boards

New Code of Ethics for Government Ministers

Strengthen the Office of the Ombudsman

Forbid the use of Private Emails for Government Business

Elect President & major appointments through a 2/3 vote

Address past injustices

Respect National Audit Offices reccommendations

Assist voluntary organisations

An impartial public broadcaster

Diplomatic Corps to be recognised as a professional service

Prepare a National Strategy on Law Enforcement

Nullify laws declared unconstitutional

Scrutiny on compensation by Government to third parties

Ministers bound to answer media questions

Publish Government Contracts

Widen powers of the National Audit Office

Ministry for Citizen's Rights

Solidarity Fund

Law on Propositive Referenda

Deliver on Justice Reform

Digitised registry of Government property

Amend Freedom of Information Act

eGovernment platform

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