Economy for the People

Economy for the People

One may say that our Economy is doing well but its success is not being felt by everyone, especially those in need. Furthermore, the current administration has failed to ensure that new areas that can fuel economic growth are nurtured. The people has to be the central focal point for a new Malta.


Reduce income tax bands for workers up to €20,000

Digital Media Industry

Retain Air Malta as our National Airline

Sports as an Economic Sector

Blockchain and Crowdfunding

Address commercial rents

Social Enterprise Sector

25% of Public Expenditure from Small Business

Register a Budget surplus every year

Develop Malta's Logistics Industry

Malta as a Maritime Nation

Set up Economic Council

Appoint Special Envoy for Brexit

Strong Position Against Illegal Trade

Rebuild Malta's reputation

Malta as a leader in the Fintech Industry

Remove anti-social excise duties

Consolidate Malta's Financial Services Industry

Attract Venture Capital

Internet of Things

Reduce income tax on part-time to 10%

Review fine system by Inland Revenue Department

Consolidate and revisit current economic sectors

Promote Investment in Ultra High Speed Internet

Establish a Business Angel Fund

Malta as a leader in E-Government Services

Reduce Income tax to Self-Employed and SMEs to 10%

Introduce in the Constitution a balanced budget obligation

Reduce Tax on re-invested profits to 15%

Strengthen guarantees from Malta Development Bank

Total tax exemption to innovative businesses up to €40,000

Create 30,000 high quality jobs in the private sector

Remove taxation on transfer of family business

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